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Member roles API

DETAILS: Tier: Ultimate Offering:, Self-managed

Manage instance member roles

DETAILS: Tier: Ultimate Offering: Self-managed, GitLab Dedicated


You can get, create and delete instance-wide member roles.

Get all instance member roles

Get all member roles in an instance.

GET /member_roles

Example request:

curl --header "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

    "id": 2,
    "name": "Instance custom role",
    "description": "Custom guest that can read code",
    "group_id": null,
    "base_access_level": 10,
    "admin_cicd_variables": false,
    "admin_compliance_framework": false,
    "admin_group_member": false,
    "admin_merge_request": false,
    "admin_push_rules": false,
    "admin_terraform_state": false,
    "admin_vulnerability": false,
    "admin_web_hook": false,
    "archive_project": false,
    "manage_deploy_tokens": false,
    "manage_group_access_tokens": false,
    "manage_merge_request_settings": false,
    "manage_project_access_tokens": false,
    "manage_security_policy_link": false,
    "read_code": true,
    "read_dependency": false,
    "read_vulnerability": false,
    "remove_group": false,
    "remove_project": false

Create a instance member role

Create an instance-wide member role.

POST /member_roles

Supported attributes:

Attribute Type Required Description
name string yes The name of the member role.
description string no The description of the member role.
base_access_level integer yes Base access level for configured role. Valid values are 10 (Guest), 20 (Reporter), 30 (Developer), 40 (Maintainer), or 50 (Owner).
admin_cicd_variables boolean no Permission to create, read, update, and delete CI/CD variables.
admin_compliance_framework boolean no Permission to administer compliance frameworks.
admin_group_member boolean no Permission to add, remove and assign members in a group.
admin_merge_request boolean no Permission to approve merge requests.
admin_push_rules boolean no Permission to configure push rules for repositories at group or project level.
admin_terraform_state boolean no Permission to administer project terraform state.
admin_vulnerability boolean no Permission to edit the vulnerability object, including the status and linking an issue.
admin_web_hook boolean no Permission to administer web hooks.
archive_project boolean no Permission to archive projects.
manage_deploy_tokens boolean no Permission to manage deploy tokens.
manage_group_access_tokens boolean no Permission to manage group access tokens.
manage_merge_request_settings boolean no Permission to configure merge request settings.
manage_project_access_tokens boolean no Permission to manage project access tokens.
manage_security_policy_link boolean no Permission to link security policy projects.
read_code boolean no Permission to read project code.
read_dependency boolean no Permission to read project dependencies.
read_vulnerability boolean no Permission to read project vulnerabilities.
remove_group boolean no Permission to delete or restore a group.
remove_project boolean no Permission to delete a project.

For more information on available permissions, see custom permissions.

Example request:

 curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" --data '{"name" : "Custom guest (instance)", "base_access_level" : 10, "read_code" : true}' ""

Example response:

  "id": 3,
  "name": "Custom guest (instance)",
  "group_id": null,
  "description": null,
  "base_access_level": 10,
  "admin_cicd_variables": false,
  "admin_compliance_framework": false,
  "admin_group_member": false,
  "admin_merge_request": false,
  "admin_push_rules": false,
  "admin_terraform_state": false,
  "admin_vulnerability": false,
  "admin_web_hook": false,
  "archive_project": false,
  "manage_deploy_tokens": false,
  "manage_group_access_tokens": false,
  "manage_merge_request_settings": false,
  "manage_project_access_tokens": false,
  "manage_security_policy_link": false,
  "read_code": true,
  "read_dependency": false,
  "read_vulnerability": false,
  "remove_group": false,
  "remove_project": false

Delete an instance member role

Delete a member role from the instance.

DELETE /member_roles/:member_role_id

Supported attributes:

Attribute Type Required Description
member_role_id integer yes The ID of the member role.

If successful, returns 204 and an empty response.

Example request:

curl --request DELETE --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" ""

Manage group member roles

DETAILS: Tier: Ultimate Offering:


  • You must have the Owner role in the group.

Use this API to manage group specific member roles. You can only create member roles at the root level of the group.

Get all group member roles

GET /groups/:id/member_roles

Supported attributes:

Attribute Type Required Description
id integer/string yes The ID or URL-encoded path of the group of the group

Example request:

curl --header "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

    "id": 2,
    "name": "Guest + read code",
    "description": "Custom guest that can read code",
    "group_id": 84,
    "base_access_level": 10,
    "admin_cicd_variables": false,
    "admin_compliance_framework": false,
    "admin_group_member": false,
    "admin_merge_request": false,
    "admin_push_rules": false,
    "admin_terraform_state": false,
    "admin_vulnerability": false,
    "admin_web_hook": false,
    "archive_project": false,
    "manage_deploy_tokens": false,
    "manage_group_access_tokens": false,
    "manage_merge_request_settings": false,
    "manage_project_access_tokens": false,
    "manage_security_policy_link": false,
    "read_code": true,
    "read_dependency": false,
    "read_vulnerability": false,
    "remove_group": false,
    "remove_project": false
    "id": 3,
    "name": "Guest + security",
    "description": "Custom guest that read and admin security entities",
    "group_id": 84,
    "base_access_level": 10,
    "admin_cicd_variables": false,
    "admin_compliance_framework": false,
    "admin_group_member": false,
    "admin_merge_request": false,
    "admin_push_rules": false,
    "admin_terraform_state": false,
    "admin_vulnerability": true,
    "admin_web_hook": false,
    "archive_project": false,
    "manage_deploy_tokens": false,
    "manage_group_access_tokens": false,
    "manage_merge_request_settings": false,
    "manage_project_access_tokens": false,
    "manage_security_policy_link": false,
    "read_code": true,
    "read_dependency": true,
    "read_vulnerability": true,
    "remove_group": false,
    "remove_project": false

Add a member role to a group

  • Ability to add a name and description when creating a custom role introduced in GitLab 16.3.

Adds a member role to a group.

POST /groups/:id/member_roles


Attribute Type Required Description
id integer/string yes The ID or URL-encoded path of the group of the group.
admin_cicd_variables boolean no Permission to create, read, update, and delete CI/CD variables.
admin_compliance_framework boolean no Permission to administer compliance frameworks.
admin_group_member boolean no Permission to add, remove and assign members in a group.
admin_merge_request boolean no Permission to approve merge requests.
admin_push_rules boolean no Permission to configure push rules for repositories at group or project level.
admin_terraform_state boolean no Permission to admin project terraform state.
admin_vulnerability boolean no Permission to admin project vulnerabilities.
admin_web_hook boolean no Permission to administer web hooks.
archive_project boolean no Permission to archive projects.
manage_deploy_tokens boolean no Permission to manage deploy tokens.
manage_group_access_tokens boolean no Permission to manage group access tokens.
manage_merge_request_settings boolean no Permission to configure merge request settings.
manage_project_access_tokens boolean no Permission to manage project access tokens.
manage_security_policy_link boolean no Permission to link security policy projects.
read_code boolean no Permission to read project code.
read_dependency boolean no Permission to read project dependencies.
read_vulnerability boolean no Permission to read project vulnerabilities.
remove_group boolean no Permission to delete or restore a group.
remove_project boolean no Permission to delete a project.

Example request:

 curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" --data '{"name" : "Custom guest", "base_access_level" : 10, "read_code" : true}' ""

Example response:

  "id": 3,
  "name": "Custom guest",
  "description": null,
  "group_id": 84,
  "base_access_level": 10,
  "admin_cicd_variables": false,
  "admin_compliance_framework": false,
  "admin_group_member": false,
  "admin_merge_request": false,
  "admin_push_rules": false,
  "admin_terraform_state": false,
  "admin_vulnerability": false,
  "admin_web_hook": false,
  "archive_project": false,
  "manage_deploy_tokens": false,
  "manage_group_access_tokens": false,
  "manage_merge_request_settings": false,
  "manage_project_access_tokens": false,
  "manage_security_policy_link": false,
  "read_code": true,
  "read_dependency": false,
  "read_vulnerability": false,
  "remove_group": false,
  "remove_project": false

In GitLab 16.3 and later, you can use the API to:

  • Add a name (required) and description (optional) when you create a new custom role.
  • Update an existing custom role's name and description.

Remove member role of a group

Deletes a member role of a group.

DELETE /groups/:id/member_roles/:member_role_id
Attribute Type Required Description
id integer/string yes The ID or URL-encoded path of the group of the group.
member_role_id integer yes The ID of the member role.

If successful, returns 204 and an empty response.

Example request:

curl --request DELETE --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" ""